Monday, September 9, 2013

Character Description

 The Orton Ice Queen

The Orton Ice Queen loves white and she loves ice cream everyday she has ice cream. She has it for breakfast and morning tea and lunch and dinner.the Orton Ice Queen is covered in white with a fluffy jacket.  She turns everything into ice and is mean to her family. She lives in a tree house in the woods and she has heaps of blankets made from all the animals she has killed and her tree house is painted white with snow.the Orton Ice Queen has ice powers when people walk past her in the woods she turns them into ice and they never become unfrozen because there is no sun there because she love ice and after she has finished iceing you she eats you with the ice on you and it hors when she eat you her cote is as willy as a sheep wondor how cooled it is it might be cooled.